Re-Wilding Desire

A transformative 1:1 journey designed to support you in reclaiming the potency of your desires

Desire is mystery.

Leaning in towards true desire is a leaning away from colonial infrastructure and into Spirit.

When we know what we want, we know thread by thread a bit more about who and how we Really are (versus how we have been conditioned to be or want). That can’t help but challenge the current status quo.

As we re-wild our desire, we break out of the concrete jungle nighmare and begin to restore our natural faculties as beings of both Earth and Spirit.

Re-Wilding requires going into the shadows, where there are gifts and mystery.

This arc of work moves into desire, the fringes of desire, the shadowlands, into deeper relationship with Earth and Spirit - to connect, reconnect, cultivate relationship with our root and bring what we find there into more actualization in our lives.

We spiral into more awareness and depth with inquiry, inner and outer life invitations, deep guided imagery journey work, ceremony (both planned and spontaneous) and tailored spiritual companionship to bring more online and into embodiment.

The Practicals

  • Ten 60 minute 1:1 sessions over the course of 10 months, plus an Opening Ceremony and a Closing Ceremony.

  • The offering is $2400 or $240 a month.

  • In addition to delicious, exclusive content, ten potent sessions, and opening and closing ceremonies, you will also receive up to 20 minutes a week of additional support through telegram or text — and — 10 months of complimentary PRACTICE GOLD membership, that you may be as supported as possible on this journey.

Desire is Calling.

Knowing what we want — and, knowing where those desires come from is essential for collaboratively creating the world we know is possible in our hearts.

Stepping onto the rose petaled path of our true desire requires courage.

True desire is not whim, it’s calling. Callings are whispers from something beyond ego: Earth, ancestors, soul, Spirit, our larger self. They are not just what we DO. It’s not our vocation or job, but rather a quality that rides underneath all that we are and how we BE.

And, callings are always inter-relational, they will always bring us into more relationship with life.

So many of our callings have been put through the machine of our current western context, contorted to look more individualized / isolated — and to fit into the grid of what’s considered useful and valuable to the narrative of capitalism.

This is where courage comes in: Unwinding the too-small-stories and de-conditioning require us to face the blinding glory and infinitude of who and how we REALLY are.

Re-Wilding is a pathway of returning to the call by way of Earth eros and re-connecting with a broader, collaborative web of seen and unseen companions.

It’s no small thing to shed the too-small-stories and arrive naked and empty at the altar of our lives. We may not even recognize the self that emerges on the other side of this journey.

My own call to this work clearly began in the early 2000’s after an oil spill in Florida. Spontaneously and without warning I found myself moving through the expected layers of Earth into a place of essence and Presence.

When I arrived more fully I asked, “how are you?”

The Presence replied, “All is well,” and showed me an image of a teenage boy with pimples erupting with oil from the surface. They then said, “Teach people how to love me,” and I understood what was meant. I heard the call.

The surface is expressing the imbalances — and, at the core, “All is well.”

To re-member our access to the well of wellness,

To know ourselves beyond the too-small-stories that keep us small, tired and controlled,

To really assist Earth in their evolution and expression,

It’s ours to go in and down and touch our own deep well of wellness — and, to create pathways for that to fountain effortlessly into our lives.

This pathway of 1:1 companionship is a continuation of heeding this call.

Are you ready for more?

Are you seeking support in re-membering the well-spring of your creativity, in feeling connected with the flow of life?

Are you feeling disconnected from your callings, from your own direction and voice?

Are you longing to feel in love with your life, yourself, beloved others, Earth and Spirit?

If yes, reach out and let’s discern if this re-wilding arc of opening the door to more dialogue and courtship through the lens of alchemical Soul Friendship is for you!

What they’re saying about Re-Wilding Desire:

Re-Wilding Desire


Re-Wilding Desire 〰️

Re-Wilding Desire Clients: Here is your portal for signing up.

Re-Wilding Desire Companionship Arc
One time
For 10 months

This arc of work moves into desire, the fringes of desire, the shadowlands, into deeper relationship with Earth and Spirit - to connect, reconnect, cultivate relationship with our root and bring what we find there into more actualization in our lives. We spiral into more awareness and depth with inquiry, inner and outer life invitations, deep guided imagery journey work, ceremony and tailored spiritual companionship. REQUIRED: a conversation with Meg before enrolling.

✓ A monthly 1:1 with Meg for Ten Months
✓ Guiding inquiry and invitations
✓ 20 minutes a week of 1:1 companionship as needed
✓ PRACTICE GOLD membership to accompany our work
✓ Lifetime access to the materials

Deepening Desire


Deepening Desire 〰️

Deepening Desire Clients: Here is your portal for signing up.

Deepening Desire Companionship Arc
One time
For 10 months

A deepening of our Re-Wilding Desire labors of love. REQUIRED: completion of spiral one, Re-Wilding Desire and a conversation with Meg before enrolling.

✓ A monthly 1:1 with Meg for Ten Months
✓ Guiding inquiry and invitations
✓ 20 minutes a week of 1:1 companionship as needed
✓ PRACTICE GOLD membership to accompany our work
✓ Lifetime access to the materials